Machines for rubber and plastic industry

Modern milestones

Family company (2013)

In 2013, the top management of the company changed. Miroslav Černý Sr., Daniel Černý and Miroslav Černý Jr. became the company owners of the company. Since then, the company has been fully in a family ownership. At the same time, the owners make the company´s top management.
Based on the organizational changes, there was a company condition analysis in terms of essential processes and activities realized. Strategic plans and goals were set, including specification of tasks to be fulfilled.
The state were checked from the point of view of valid certifications (ISO 9001, ISO 3834-2) and it was confirmed we can continue with these activities.
In this year, a long-term business cooperation contract was signed between the company CHODOS and HERBERT.
From the basic principle of a „family-based“ company, the prerequisite for up-to-date and efficient management and ensuring the company development is fulfilled.

Investment (2014)

There was an analysis of condition and equipment of the company realized in the area of production machines and equipment infrastructure / working environment. The investment realization was initiated with help of the European funds.
Establishment of middle-term and long-term plans in the given areas with the aim of change, modernization = productivity, competitiveness.
Investments realized in technologies:
efficient CNC machining up to length of 4500 mm (Masturn 4500)
power-driven tools, possibility of milling and boring when machining the parts. CNC machining of smaller parts, processing of bar material, counter spindle (SP430, SP180)
horizontal CNC milling and boring on table-types of machines - type WH10, WHN 13 – productivity, quality, up-to-date technology of tool equipment
MIG/MAG welders Lorch (productivity and quality of tack welding and welding)
Quality check-up
Measurement of big inside as well as outside dimensions in operating conditions (TESA Unimaster)
Other (infrastructure, communication and information systems)
implementation of new information system for effective process and activity management
extensive construction works in the main building, modernization of reception and cooperation department
initiation of realization of internal modification and re-organization of workplace, improvement of working environment and conditions
we lighted up the logo of our company on the roof of the main building – the heart and symbol of the company CHODOS

Further development (2015)

Implementation of new laser-cutting technology (establishment of workplace and completion of realization of purchase of laser-cutting machine and hydraulic press brake Trumpf
new changing rooms and up-to-date sanitary facilities for employees.

Own product (2016)

Within the strategic target in the area of own product, specific project and design activities for realization of production of a blow-moulding machine prototype were initiated.
analysis of heat treatment and chemical heat treatment processes – modernization of annealing furnace
realization of investment, establishment of a new workplace for sand blasting of material, welded parts. 
The company management has decided the company shall be non-smoking.
Completion of production and check-ups of prototype blow-moulding machine VA 521
setting of strategic targets in assortment of blow-moulding machines and extruders for the time period of 2018-2020
Infrastructure, working environment
completion of a new workplace Metrology – improvement of conditions for metrology-based activities
completion of realization of significant investments in the area of heating and thermal insulation of production as well as administrative facilities and surfaces
Production equipment and technologies assessment of investments realized in 2017-2016
We set up further targets and priorities for realization and assumed assortment of products produced in the upcoming time period.

Grant from the EU operational program (2017-2018)
Project: Energy savings in the premises of the company CHODOS CHODOV s.r.o.
Project number: CZ.01.3.10/0.0/0.0/16_061/0010978

In the time period from June 2, 2017 until June 30, 2018, CHODOS CHODOV s.r.o. realized a project support by the European Union. It concerns the program "Energy savings - Call II", which is targeted on reduction of energy performance. Within this project, we managed to carry out gas installation of the facility with its own gas regulation station, replacement of the current heating system into gas radiators, equipping of local gas furnace rooms, roof insulation, exchange of light wells, windows, doors, gates and façade insulation. In addition, we realized modernization and energetic optimization of nitriding and shaft furnace, exchanged lights for LED – outdoor lighting of the premises as well as interiors, purchased welding aggregates.
All these adjustments will significantly contribute to reduction of direct energetic expenses and also enhance working comfort. The total amount of grant makes 39.791.855,20 CZK.

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